Find the Right Fit

Found the perfect ring? We will help you determine the perfect ring size! Whether you’re surprising someone, treating yourself, or just not sure of what size to choose, follow the guide below.

Measure Your Finger

Measure Your Finger

The most important step is accurately measuring the circumference of your finger. Here’s how you can do that:
– Grab a piece of string or a thin strip of paper.
– Wrap it comfortably around the intended finger (and position on this finger), and mark where it overlaps.

Find Your Size

Find Your Size

Find the length of the string or strip of paper in millimeters to find the circumference of your finger. Use this circumference to find your ring size on our sizing chart.

Get a Perfect Fit

Get a Perfect Fit

We recommend taking your measurement a few times throughout the day to accommodate for environmental changes that may affect your ring size.

If you’ve followed these steps, then you’ll be receiving a ring that fits perfectly soon. And if it doesn’t, just reach out and we’ll be sure to find a solution.


If you’re looking for your partner’s ring size in secret, first try to find a ring they wear. Then you can use a string to measure its circumference as described above!

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